Roasted Pumpkin Seeds


This is an excellent recipe if you don't want to waste the pumpkin seeds of your pumpkin. This recipe is also extremely versatile and customizable, not to mention healthy. Pumpkin seeds are a great source of protein and are high in antioxidants. 

pumpkin seeds, washed and drained
extra virgin olive oil
black pepper or any other seasoning you might like

Preheat oven to 180ºC / 350°F.

Wash and clean your pumpkin seeds in a colander until you get the pumpkin pulp off the seeds. 

Let the seeds drain a bit and then dry off with a paper towel.

Toss the clean and dry pumpkin seeds to a clean bowl and add oil so everything is covered. Add salt and other seasonings to taste and toss to cover. 

Cover a sheet pan with parchment paper and evenly spread the seasoned pumpkin seeds on the pan. 

Bake until the seeds are golden brown and crispy. This takes about 12-15 minutes. Check and stir your seeds every five minutes. They can burn very easily so you have to keep an eye on them. 

Transfer to a bowl and eat!

If you want your seeds saltier, you can boil the seeds before you roast them in the oven. Simply simmer the seeds in salty boiling water for 10 minutes. 
You can really use whatever seasoning you'd like. Just be mindful that some spice can burn so you should toss them in that spice after you've roasted the seeds. You can also make them sweet if you want to.
You can use other winter squash not just pumpkin to do this but some seeds have a harder husk so it's harder to eat them. 
